Importance of Having A Mobile Version Of Your Site

Your Website Should Look Great On All Devices

Ever since Steve Jobs launched the iPhone, mobile phone users have been increasing rapidly. According to a study conducted by Flurry, an app analytics company, we can see that every day more than 322 million people around the world use apps and play with their mobile devices. This number is expected to increase even further as new innovative technology gets introduced to the market. This is why having a mobile version of your website can mean the difference between success and failure.

Mainstream Internet Usage

Mobile devices are no longer complementary devices, but instead they represent mainstream internet usage with more than 50% of users browsing from their smartphones and tablets. Mobile apps have become an essential part for small businesses to thrive online presence in today's market. However, not having a mobile-friendly site can lead to losing potential customers who are using their mobiles to browse the internet.

Why Is It Crucial For You

According to Google, 61% of users are unlikely to return to a website that's difficult to use on a mobile phone. This is why it is crucial for small businesses owners to invest in making their website mobile-friendly. The number of people using their mobile devices to access the internet will only increase over time, while desktop users are here to stay.

A mobile-friendly website is easy for customers to use on smartphones or tablets while they are browsing the web. A mobile friendly site allows visitors to easily navigate through search results, articles and other content without the need to zoom in and out constantly. Having a poorly developed site can make your customers leave almost immediately after landing on it.

Mobile-friendly websites are more convenient for customers, but they also offer other benefits that you might not have thought about before. They load faster than their desktop counterparts, they're cheaper to maintain and they give you the ability to track user engagement data in ways that you couldn't before.

Developing a mobile-friendly website for your small business is no longer an option, it's a necessity. With more than 50% of users browsing from their smartphones and tablets, not having a mobile-friendly site can lead to losing potential customers who are using their mobiles to browse the internet.

If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of online resources that can help you get started. Investing in making your website mobile-friendly is a decision that you won't regret.

5 Benefits Of Having A Mobile Version of Your Site

  1. More Convenient for Customers
  2. Loads Faster Than Desktop Counterparts
  3. Cheaper to Maintain
  4. Can Track User Engagement Data in Ways You Couldn't Before
  5. Necessity in Today's Market

Making your site mobile-friendly is no longer an option, it's a necessity. Investing in a mobile version of your website can mean the difference between success and failure. Not having a mobile friendly site can lead to losing potential customers who are using their mobiles to browse the internet. With more than 50% of users browsing from their smartphones and tablets, not having a mobile-friendly site can lead to losing potential customers who are using their mobiles to browse the internet. Having a mobile version of your website is more convenient for customers, cheaper to maintain and it gives you the ability to track user engagement data in ways that you couldn't before.

Avoid Losing Your Customers

With more people using smartphones than computers, it’s important to have a mobile-friendly site design. If you don’t take the time to create one, your business could be losing out on potential customers who are ready and willing to buy from you—provided they can find your website in their phone browser. You might not know how many visitors are visiting your site through their phones when compared with desktop browsers, but if it’s 10%, 20% or even 50%, that is still an immense number of potential sales being missed! Call Sharp Tack Media today for help making sure you're giving all of your web traffic the best possible experience at every stage in the customer journey.

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