Creating Results-Oriented Online Marketing Goals

The Importance Of Having Attainable Milestones

Knowing what you want for your business seems simple, but believe it or not, setting goals is the hardest step in the process of digital marketing. Portland has many digital marketing agencies willing to tell you they’ll get you the best results, but they’re not willing to teach you the process.

One of our goals here at Sharp Tack Media is to educate the businesses who work with us. We want to help businesses and grow with them. Setting goals is a very important first step in creating a digital marketing campaign. Here are a few reasons why:

Goal Setting

Goal setting is critical to the digital marketing process. Without a goal, there is no direction for your campaign. How can you develop and execute strategies and tactics without the driving force of a goal? You can’t.

It’s like holding ice cream in your bare hands without a cone – it will be a failure. Luckily, we are smart people, and we know you are, too. Smart people plan campaigns with smart goals for digital marketing.

Smart Goals For Online Marketing

Smart goals are awesome. They keep us focused and give us a push if we’re dragging behind. We know goals themselves are important, but smart goals are slightly different than your average goal.

Goals are grounded in reality. Sure, you can say you want to get 5,000 page views in a month, but if you’re only averaging 1,000 a month, chances are that 5,000 is out of reach. Goals for digital marketing help you validate your goals, and they turn the goal-setting process into something more efficient and productive.

Setting Your Goals

  1. Write down everything you want your business to achieve. Writing all of your ideas down, no matter how general or complex, will help you focus on what matters most.
  2. Choose just one of the ideas you have; you’ll focus on just this one for this particular campaign.
  3. Summarize your goal. Expand upon what you want while keeping in mind your main goals.
  4. Dream big, but not too big. This may be the hardest step in the goal-setting process. Define a goal that feels just slightly out of your comfort zone. It will push you to work harder, and the feeling of a completed goal is pretty awesome.
  5. Make sure you know how to track your goal. As with our example above, if you use Google Analytics, it will be simple to see how many page views you’re getting.
  6. Select a deadline. An open-ended goal has no drive or sense of urgency. Choose a time period in which you think it will take to reach your goal. This will help with planning your marketing efforts as well.
  7. Commit a certain amount of time every week to completing your goals. Planning is key to a successful digital marketing campaign. Take it from us, procrastination does not look good.
  8. Write down any challenges you may face. If you know what they are, you won’t be surprised by them halfway through your campaign. Additionally, you can start planning ways to work around them. Having a plan B or plan C is that extra little step, which will make reaching your marketing goals easier.
  9. Ensure your goal has all of the components of your plan. Write down your optimized goal where you and your employees can see it. This way, there is no question about what you’re working toward, and you and your employees can document the progress.


By coming up with a smart way of setting up your business goals, seeing the results you want is possible. Consider following the steps we provided and start your success today.

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