WordPress Website: Maintenance Checklist

Monthly Tasks For Keeping Your Site Secure, Optimized & Thriving

A well-maintained website is not only more likely to be secure, but it is also more likely to achieve better search engine optimization. To keep your site running smoothly, regularly check off these essential tasks on your maintenance checklist.

Here are the top things you should make sure are up-to-date on your site.

  • WordPress Version

Update your WordPress version as soon as a new one becomes available. When WordPress releases a new version, ensure that you update it right away to take advantage of all the latest version offers. Updates may include security patches, bug fixes, and new features, and your site will be more secure if you can stay up-to-date with the latest version of WordPress.

  • Plugins

Plugins are bits of code that are installed to expand the functionality of your site. By default, WordPress comes with a number of essential plugins installed, but you will likely want to install more plugins for things like contact forms or SEO optimization. Check which plugins are active on your site and update them as needed. When installing new plugins, make sure they are compatible with the latest version of WordPress.

Furthermore, updating your plugins as soon as a new one is available. For example, the plugin may have been patched to fix bugs or security risks. It also helps improve website performance and compatibility with various browsers.

  • Themes

Themes are a file or files that control the way your site looks. Both plugins and themes are pieces of code that can be installed on WordPress to add various features and functionality.

WordPress themes should be kept up to date as soon as a new version becomes available to fix bugs and make the theme compatible with the latest WordPress version. Ensure that any customizations you've done to your themes, such as code changes or child themes, stay intact after updating the theme.

  • Security-Related Settings

In addition, many security-related WordPress settings should be checked and modified if they aren't set the way you like them. This includes settings for login errors, file permissions, and more.

  • Backups

Last but certainly not least is your backup! Backing up your site regularly helps prevent irreversible damage in the case of hacking or accidental data loss. There are many options available to choose from. Pick one, then ensure you test it to make sure everything works how it should.

  • Spam

Spams may occur when you least expect them. If they find their way into your comment section, then you should keep an eye on them and delete the spammy ones every once in a while.

Additionally, always check your spam folder for any comments that might need to be approved and whitelisted.

  • Changelog

Make sure you read through WordPress' change log regularly to keep up-to-date on what changes have been made and how they might affect your site. This is especially important if you're using a child theme since it's crucial to keep it updated.

  • Backups

Last but certainly not least is your backup! Backing up your site regularly helps prevent irreversible damage in the case of hacking or accidental data loss. There are many different options available to choose from. Pick one, then ensure you test it to make sure everything works how it should.


As mentioned before, these are the most important things that should be checked regularly to stay on top of your site's maintenance. You can set up automatic backups or other such tools that will allow you to focus on refreshing and updating as needed.

Now that you know what should be done regularly, keep an eye out for those tasks and make sure you complete them at least once a month. That way, you can be sure that your website is safe from any potential issues.

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