Landing Pages For Beginners 

Landing Page That Puts Your Readers In Action

A landing page is a standalone web page designed to call to action (CTA) towards a single focus and goal, unlike other web pages that let the user explore. This is usually created for advertisements and marketing campaigns. This can either be links that pop out on the screen or sponsored advertisements shown while you’re using an application. 

A landing page can also be considered better than a home page for it reduces distractions and avoids other linkages making the user perform only one specific purpose.

Are Other Pages Considered A Landing Page?

The term landing page can sometimes be considered any page, but other pages may not be called a landing page. This is because a landing page is only used to describe a campaign-specific page with just one single call to action that doesn’t involve website navigation.

Beginner’s Guide For Landing Pages

1. Focus On One Direction

A landing page is best for increasing conversions of PPC or email marketing campaigns. Instead of directing clients to the official web page, it is best to create a landing page with only one direction. This makes it easier for the user to navigate for the things that he/she is looking for. 

2. Create A Goal

A successful landing page begins with a single goal. With a plan, it is easier for the maker to create a landing page. These goals are best used with anecdotal research, making it attractive for the people who have the same interest in your page. Using anecdotal research provides the perspective of other users and makes it easier for them to search the landing page. 

3. Call To Action 

A call to action is the most crucial purpose of a landing page. Action is needed to be done and observed when creating a landing page. This answers the question, “What do you like your users to do?”

4.Keep It Simple

The purpose of a landing page is to avoid distractions. Using simple fonts, designs, and customizations is best to avoid the users having a hard time. Extraneous information may be removed for it is not needed and may waste the users' time. 

5. Provide A Clear And Concise Copy

Words should be clear and concise when making a landing page. Users are already interested in the topic when they click it,, so using extravagant words or goals isn’t the best action to create a landing page. Creativity is not always valued at a landing page, yet it can also be included if these have a purpose and the goal to call to action.

6.Ask For Vitals

The user agreement is a formal letter by using an application, yet when it comes to a landing page, it should only ask the users' vital information. Too much time consumed by these surveys may result in the leave or closing of the page. For example, it may be asked only the billing information and the address to be delivered in online shipping. Other information isn’t needed anymore.

Final Thoughts

Creating or using a landing page provides convenience both for the users and the maker. Users find it easy to perform a task, and the creators have reached their purpose on creating the page. It is valuable for specific functions and goals and must be appropriately designed and precisely. The best landing page establishes the action of its purpose.


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