Rank Higher On Google

Content is King, Consistency is Queen

Your business is on the internet. Whether you're running a small local store or a major international company, chances are your customers are searching for information about your products and services online. So how do you make sure they find what they're looking for? Google it of course! 

For many businesses, ranking higher on Google can mean more sales leads and increased revenue. Here are five tips to rank higher in search engines without breaking the bank. 

  • Write Blog Posts Consistently

Consistency will help drive organic traffic from social media sites as well as from websites with high domain authority who might republish your blog post. Google will more likely rank you higher if you have regular updates on your site, so blogging can help with rankings as well as bring in organic traffic.

  • Improve Ranking Keywords

Target people who are searching for your products/services by improving the list of keywords that appear in your content. You'll have a better chance of ranking higher on Google if you're using more specific keywords that may be used by your target audience when they search for something online, and they will be more likely to notice you on the first page since you're ranked higher.

  • Don't Just Publish Blog Posts, Create Valuable Content

Nobody wants to read an article that has no value or information. Try to answer questions related to your product/service with informative blog posts, how-to's and articles. Avoid publishing empty articles that contain little more than a few sentences about your business. 

  • Create Valuable Videos

Videos are quickly becoming one of the most effective ways to market your products or services. By optimizing your videos with keywords and descriptions that contain important search terms related to your products/services, you'll be more likely to rank higher on Google from people searching for what you have to offer.

  • Write Guest Posts

Guest posting can help you build high-quality links that are likely to improve your search engine rankings. The trick is to focus on writing content for blogs or websites in your industry with a large number of followers or with domain authority – these sites are more likely to publish your articles and give you a link back.

If All Else Fails, Simply Write About What You Know 

This might sound rather obvious, but writing about what you know will help you rank higher on Google. If all your content is relevant to your business and your specific field, it will make it easier for Google to infer that people searching for what you have to offer are more likely to find your site. Remember these tips when blogging or creating new content for your website – Google is increasingly moving towards focusing on fresh content that's relevant, informative and current.

Increase Organic Traffic With Our Simple Solutions

So, what have you learned about content consistency? That it’s important for SEO. What are your next steps to take in order to rank higher on Google? Sharp Tack Media can help! Contact our team of experts today and schedule a free consultation where we will sit down with you one-on-one and brainstorm ways that your web marketing strategy could be improved by considering the power of content consistency.

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