How To Start Working With An SEO Company

Things You Should Be Doing Before Hiring An SEO Company

How Do I Know If My SEO Is Working?

It's great to hear that you're finally ready to start working with an SEO company. How do you find the right one for your business? It can be hard to know where to even begin, but we've broken down the process:

Get Recommendations

Considering you're looking for an SEO company, it makes sense to start by getting recommendations from other business owners. You can do this in person at networking events , ask your friends and family or check out online reviews . There's nothing like word-of-mouth recommendations when it comes to finding business professionals, so take full advantage of your network. If you're an ecommerce or mobile app business , then get recommendations from your users!

Do Some Research

Once you've got a shortlist of potential SEO companies, it's time to do some more research. Take a look at their website and social media profiles and check out their blog . You might want to try the company's services yourself so you can see if it's a good match, but make sure to ask current customers for feedback before committing.

What Is The Process Of Working With An SEO Company?

Every SEO company will differ in how they work with clients, but after getting recommendations and doing your research, you'll need to speak to them directly. Some things that are important to ask include:

Amount Of Communication

The amount of communication you're expected to have with the SEO company.  Existing clients should be able to tell you how often they were contacted by the company and about what.

The Methods The SEO Company Use To Improve Rankings

Every company has a different way of improving rankings for clients, so it's important to understand what they'll be doing. For example, some companies focus on increasing keyword appearances in Google searches , while others create content that ranks highly for keywords .

What Results You Can Expect To See

Again, it's important to remember that SEO is a long-term investment and results may not be seen overnight.

Price Of Services

It's always best to get an idea of the cost upfront so there are no surprises down the road.

What Other Services The SEO Company Offers

Many companies provide additional services such as social media marketing, PPC management and conversion rate optimization.

When Do They Start Working On My Website?

You may have been told that you need to wait for a certain amount of time before starting a campaign, so make sure you understand what this means for your website.

How regularly will I speak with the SEO company? You should expect to have regular conversations with your agency. Some businesses prefer weekly or even daily contact, but not everyone works best under pressure!

Questions to Ask Before Hiring an SEO Company

If you've found an SEO company that looks promising, it's time to start asking questions. Before hiring them, look for the following information:

  • How long have they been in business? While there are some new businesses operating entirely with the best of intentions, most experts recommend sticking with more established companies.  
  • What are their methods? 
  • Do they use techniques such as link building and on-page optimization? 
  • How do they choose their keywords? 
  • Keywords are an important part of SEO, so you should know how your company plans to use them. 
  • What is their fee structure? The best way to answer this question will depend on your business needs. If you want a monthly retainer, ask the SEO company if they can accommodate that. 
  • How much input do I have? Most experts recommend staying involved throughout the process so that you know what is being done with your website at every step of the way.
  • Will you provide reports? While many businesses are happy to simply work away in the background, others want to see detailed reports.

How will this agency keep my website safe? Look for an SEO company that uses HTTPS on its own website, as this is a sign of secure browsing. Look for one that also has a proven track record in keeping your site safe from hackers and malware.

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